A selection of resources to help non-HCV specialists who are interested in screening and treating patients with HCV.
HCV Epidemiology Animation
Upload date: 04/21/2021 | Duration: 02:07
Background information on the changing epidemiology of HCV in recent years with a particular focus on the increasing prevalence of PWID who...
Background information on the changing epidemiology of HCV in recent years with a particular focus on the increasing prevalence of PWID who are presenting with infection. This also includes details on barriers to care among PWID and the importance of simplifying the treatment cascade.
Hepatitis B Reactivation Guide
Upload date: 04/21/2021 | Time to read: 4 minutes
Guidance on HBV reactivation, including details on why it occurs, potential complications, how it is assessed, and treatment considerations for …
Guidance on HBV reactivation, including details on why it occurs, potential complications, how it is assessed, and treatment considerations for patients with HCV/HBV co-infection
Guide to Pre-treatment Laboratory Assessments
Upload date: 04/21/2021 | Time to read: 5 minutes
Recommendations from the AASLD and IDSA on what pretreatment assessments should be considered after HCV diagnosis based on the …
Recommendations from the AASLD and IDSA on what pretreatment assessments should be considered after HCV diagnosis based on the characteristics of the patient
Spanish Hepatitis C Patient Brochure
Upload date: 04/21/2021 | Time to read: 5 minutes
Material centrado en el paciente que contiene detalles básicos sobre el VHC. Esto incluye información sobre causas, síntomas, características …
Material centrado en el paciente que contiene detalles básicos sobre el VHC. Esto incluye información sobre causas, síntomas, características de la enfermedad, tratamiento y reinfección.